One way or the other, that is a true statement. I’ve learned more about myself and this old place than I can stand, and when the love of my life asks me whether she’s going to die here, we are definitely out of bounds. My answer was of course, “I certainly hope not!”—and now to [...]
The sun here in the winter is a saving grace. It melts the snow, dries the mud, and feels damn good against the skin at seven thousand feet, even as you’ve been living on the edge so long, it’s flat, and the air is cold enough to kill you. The temperature dropped to 7 degrees [...]
Not ready for this, neither physically or emotionally. But it’s a-comin’, boys.
My God, it’s like I never saw this path before! How long have I lived here, a dozen years? And my wife for ten? But it’s never resonated as a symbol until now. Remembering the track my grandmother scuffed across the carpet in her thick old lady shoes, walking from the bathroom to her chair, [...]
Up and out of bed at 3:00 a.m., lasted until quarter after four. Kind of wrecked my morning, as evidenced by the fact I didn’t get this posted before noon. Ah, well. Nice doves!