The home-made voodoo art machine kept the former neighbor from renting out the empty house next door. It was only two bovine shoulder blades tied close together in a tree, but every now and then they clonked together in the wind and sounded strange. His wife didn’t like it all that much and once upon [...]
The storms built up slowly over the afternoon, the way they do, and rolled by one by one until just after sunset. That doesn’t mean we ever had a problem. In this part of the world, the land’s so big, the weather almost never finds you. But you see the storms, or hear them, or [...]
Cold, damp, no wind. Quiet except for a few cows bawling in the valley. The scrunch of walking on wet sand. Smells of sagebrush and wet dirt. Snowed off and on today, sometimes a lot. Yesterday, too. For several days, actually. In the middle of that, we saw a hummingbird, so time to put the [...]
There’s actually a gorge between those cliffs and where I stood to take this shot. The Rio Pueblo runs at the bottom of it flowing toward the left, where it joins up with the Rio Grande and its even larger gorge beyond. This means that everything you see is Taos Pueblo land. The cliffs, the [...]
This is the view we see every time we go to town. (Another iPhone 6s Plus shot, zoomed in this time, which does affect the quality.) I have a soft spot for the property in the foreground because the former owner built real hot rods and drove them every day. After he moved away, the [...]