
Swimming to Arcturus


Another one from Goddamn Buffalo, you lucky readers!

There once was a weekly web column named “Grack” (see below). This one’s from November 17, 2003, which I can hardly believe. You can find it among the other pathos-soaked lovelies in my Taos Soul ebook. – JHF Just before I saw the cloud, it happened again. There I was, just standing on the mesa, [...]

Angel Stampede


Another one from Goddamn Buffalo. If you sign up below, you can get these in your email.

At least 15 years old, this should be read on acid. Failing that—I don’t know where to find the stuff and wouldn’t take it now myself—just leap into the stew. It positively stinks of old-time Taos. (Previously published here.) Good luck. – JHF Today three women and I carried our landlord to the ambulance. A [...]

Good Taos Day

Taos street

I’ve been posting a few selected chapters from my ebooks on Goddamn Buffalo. This is one of them.

Bill Whaley died the other day. Cited with the reservation that anything one says about another person’s life is inevitably biased and incomplete, here’s what the local paper published. I’ve written about him before—and he about me about me once—but on the occasion of his passing, I was looking for this brief piece and found [...]




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