
Lighten Up

cholla with Indian paintbrushes

So many flowers in the terrible high desert this year

What if it’s all nonsense? What if there’s nothing to be afraid of? What if the past doesn’t matter? What if it doesn’t exist (how could it)? What if everything is conjured? What if you don’t have to do anything? What if it’s all emotional? What if there isn’t a “right way”? What if anything [...]

New Mexico Killed the Overcast

Llano Quemado scene

Projecting thought, new dreams [Note: this piece has been massively revised!]

It wasn’t me that did it. Then again, maybe it was. The forecast called for all-day clouds and highs in the forties. The sky was gray, and I decided to blow off doing laundry. No dryer, so we have to hang it all outside or by the wood stove anyway. Then an hour ago, shazam. [...]

Rift Valley Spring

Rio Pueblo gorge

Rio Pueblo gorge, before the river joins the Rio Grande just south of Taos

The acequia out back is running again, a sure sign of spring. I realize that doesn’t mean much to people outside of New Mexico but it’s quite the radical thing to have agua flowing thru the landscape. The technology came from the Moors, who taught the Spaniards, who came to Mexico, then here. In our [...]


Muse post image

She was waiting for him when he opened the car door, sitting in the passenger seat smoking a cigarette. “Hey! What are you doing here? This is my car!” She turned to face him and smiled, then exhaled and tossed the still-burning cigarette out the partly opened window. “Oh, hi. I’ve been waiting for you.” [...]


black and white sunset view

Looking east, the sun behind me

Sometimes at sunset on a cloudy day, the sun sinks below the level of the overcast in clear air to the west. For about fifteen minutes everything’s on fire and explodes. The afternoon that pulled the hammer back is gone. The other day I thought I sensed them. They or it or what that wants [...]



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