

extinct volcano near Taos, NM

Windy, cold air blowing in from Colorado, early sunset on the way

Must be time to get the mail. Something to do away from the computer. No, I will not step into the stupid filthy plastic shoes that never wear out. Not this time. Why haven’t I thrown them away? (We know.) The better ones I have to tug and pull at to get the elastic over [...]

An Unimaginable Land

clouds sweeping over the rift valley west of Taos, NM

Clouds sweeping over the rift valley

Nature is a portal. When I crave confirmation of my origin, all I have to do is take a hike. Amazingly, some humans are immune. Most of them, perhaps. But just look! You could probably put all the people in that landscape on a bus. I need bitch no more. When I was young, I [...]

Windshield Wiper

Taos Valley Overlook scene

Tres Orejas volcano in the distance

Not taken today, but that’s where I was. Similar but more grand. There was a large storm with lightning and heavy rain about twenty miles away on the other side of the gorge. It looked like a Portuguese man-of-war with horns and covered half the sky. I could see the rain advancing rapidly in my [...]

Everybody Dance Now

storm cloud over New Mexico

Raining somewhere if we let it

The old dude marched across the sagebrush-covered mesa, scuffing his boots in the dust and marveling (once again) that he was all alone under God’s big sky in the middle of nowhere that was somewhere in his heart or else he wouldn’t be there. Scuff, stride, pant. It was hotter than it should have been, [...]

Homeland of the Heart

Looking west from behind the Brazos Cliffs

Approximately 10,202 ft where I took this shot, according to the iPad

Gaze long above and feel the cold air hit you from the west! You may need to go sit in the car or get another layer. (That’s okay, my wife did both.) The photo is the truth. So much else is not! Those huge rocks on the right are the backside of the Brazos Cliffs, [...]



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