Road Trip


BMW R1100R

The story isn’t over, is it

The idiot in the shiny red Jeep from Texas had tons of room to pass on the long straight highway west of Clovis, but sat there tailgating a slow sedan in front. (“Oh, Lord…”) I waited five seconds, cursed, and stomped down on the gas. The 235-horsepower V-8 bellowed like a maddened beast, shooting us [...]

Volcano Birthday Party

View from Capulin volcano

See any towns?

Would you believe we visited a volcano on my birthday on the exact day that the volcano was having a birthday? Not the mysterious one in the photo, which I haven’t looked up yet—New Mexico is full of them—but I took the shot from the summit of Capulin Volcano, which I do know and where [...]

Christmas Day 2015

Taos Mountain in the snow and clouds

Clouds are moving left to right (toward the east)

They’re supposed to have a blizzard tomorrow on the eastern plains. The mountains will protect us from most of that, but it’ll be damn cold. (When you get down near zero, the numbers hardly matter.) Just a little snow today, probably more by morning. That’s the first batch of it rolling in above. The wind’s [...]

For Behold, Los Ojos in the Flesh!

Los Ojos in Jemez Springs

By the time you get here you’ll be glad you did

Someone said I ought to show you what it looks like. I hope they were right. Now it’ll just fill up with Albuquerque hipsters and the bikers won’t have anywhere to go. Yeah, right. Jemez Springs is nice, though. Quite the decent vibe. The first thing my wife said when we sat down at Los [...]

Odebolt, Iowa

downtown Odebolt, Iowa

Johnny got the brick lust blues

America made me take this picture. The America that was. It wanted to say something, possibly “Help!” or “Look, I’m still here!” This scene really grabbed me. I can’t say why, but I’m usually stirred by darkness under the surface. Odebolt (“OH-dee-bolt”) appears to be doing all right, though. Industrial agriculture and will power keep [...]




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