There was an awful story here but now there’s not. On the other hand, this has got to be the best dead lizard photo I have ever taken.
Possibly Unsafe
“I fucked up! I can’t stand it! I fucked up!” she yelled, sobbing and staggering through the snow. Yesterday was her turn, the day before was mine. At least she’d actually tried to do something, namely pull out of the driveway into the frozen bog we call a road. Right away she gave it too [...]

Rio Grande del Norte Nat’l Monument near the Colorado line, Ute Mountain dead ahead. Photo from Nov. 18th!
I remember how in junior high school back in Abilene, they’d have John Birch Society members visit class and show us filmstrips about the evil Russian commies taking over America. Those were the days… My apologies for the lack of posting. Events in the national sphere as well as in our own lives are too [...]
Thank you, commenter M.J., for inadvertently reminding me of where I picked up the phrase “metaphysical distress.” It was from Ed Sanders’ introduction to a recording of the Fugs’ “Swinburne Stomp” from their 1965 debut album, to wit: “In the key of metaphysical distress, the Swinburne Stomp!” Be sure to listen to the whole performance, [...]
I hope we move before I find a pistol. This last stunt hit me hard. I was proud once, dammit. Kept the paint bright, planted trees. Saw the house a quarter mile away. Felt solid, taken care of. Boo-hoo batshit. Don’t let me walk across that bridge alone. For at least a year now I’d [...]