
Happy Easter Cactus

Saguaro National Park, Tucson, AZ

Saguaro National Park, Tucson, AZ

At least it’s colorful, if not from here, so please enjoy. Oh, and did I just post another screed and take it down immediately? Right. As soon as I find a 24-hour post delay plugin, this damn thing is gonna rock! Have a great day, and I’ll be back later. Wish I had some ice-cold [...]

Long View North

mesas and mountains stretching north from Taos

Windy today, a fine haze from blowing dust, 50 °F

Follow the mountains that-a-way and eventually you’ll come to Denver, I suppose. That’s another reason why living out here is like being on the ocean. With cities so far apart, they feel like islands; a road trip is a voyage. Just look at the way the earth rolls and swells in this shot—not too long [...]


Rio Grande at Pilar, NM

Rio Grande at Pilar, NM with geese and ducks, looking downstream

One of my favorite early Lou Reed songs, written in 1964. I’ve always identified with this verse, for some reason. More and more, it seems, not less. I wish that I was born a thousand years ago I wish that I’d sail the darkened seas On a great big clipper ship Going from this land [...]

Killing Ground

Rio Grande shallows near Pilar, NM

Debris in the Rio Grande shallows at Pilar

This is not a good day. I feel like I just murdered my brother. How? By sending him $100. Just enough to buy a cheap pistol and do himself in, or worse, hurt somebody else. He’s a methamphetamine addict, almost 62 years old. His Social Security payments start in about three months, if he makes [...]

Gracias, Jesús, por Los Clavos

Talpa valley sunset near Taos, NM

Talpa in the sunset from the Llano rim (today)

So there I was, directed to a boating site. That’s right. But for small boats—mostly wooden ones—boatbuilding, and boating adventures. I used to eat this stuff up, so I clicked around. Soon I was looking at dozens of photos from a guy in Upper Michigan who’d spent last summer sailing this beautiful small craft to [...]



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