
A Great and Terrible Sadness

youngish John H. Farr with dog

Guess who still has her choke chain

Something deep and dark has found me. The trigger came yesterday morning when I remembered Lady the Wonder Dog (above). The locale in that photo, though probably irrelevant, is Camden, Maine in ’78 or ’79. A few years later my wife went on sabbatical, and we were set to go to Europe for six long [...]


black-chinned hummingbird

Black-chinned hummer at the feeder yesterday

“Just write,” they tell me. “Just write.” Something wants expression and I’m the one to do it, but not for the last few weeks. Editing the soon-to-be published collection of blog posts I wrote during my mother’s final chaotic last four years on Earth precludes any letting go to be creative. It’s also like washing [...]

One Year Ago Today

wave crashing on the rocks on the coast of Maine

Just oh my and gibber honk tweet

Three days past one full year ago, to be exact, I was standing in the ocean on a beach in Maine. I have a photo of my foot in a few inches of water from a receding wave to prove it, but I just looked and there is nothing to be gained so never mind. [...]

The Great Dissolve

Taos sunset

Yesterday, before the April snow

Something is going on. A panic has departed. My brain is working differently. There’s a qualitative difference. I don’t quite know how to tell you, but it’s like discovering this trust and now it’s got me. I think I caught it hiking on the mesa by the gorge. My father used to measure everything. There [...]

The Shining Hour


Yesterday on Llano Mesa

The shining hour has arrived. Something different has been waiting for a long, long time. My wife for one has never stood so straight or looked so beautiful. Either this depth and richness is a wild new thing or I just passed third grade. Best not go into that. I’ve never felt so strongly that [...]



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