
Taos Trap™ Explained and Busted

Chamisa blossoms

I thought this was a metaphor but now it’s not

[Note: be sure to read the whole thing. This started as a rant. As I wrote, the anger drained away and something shifted. – JHF] It’s easy to wake up at 4:00 a.m. and fumble for the pistol in your nightstand. (Flashlight, buckles, old eyeglasses clatter in the drawer.) Doom and hopelessness will do that [...]

Weekend Report

kiva mantel, Taos, NM

Mexican copper, grandmother’s clock, a silkscreen by my sister

It was one of those quiet, bright afternoons with a cool breeze hissing lightly in the piñons, the kind that make you slow your pace to listen to the gravel crunching underneath your soles, the ones where you’re completely there. We’d just been to a movie, the first one in fifty years, I joked. A [...]

New Man


Bluetooth shutter remotes for the win

I can’t remember the last time I had my hair cut. Let’s just say it was really long! And of course I’m shedding. Everybody does, but our poor carpet… Anyway, I did it. There’s still plenty, anyway. Besides, I needed a kick in the ass. I wanted to look different, but there was also the [...]

Catching Up Again

John Hamilton Farr

My wife thinks this picture is very weird

Another Nagasaki Day birthday coming up on Tuesday! I don’t know why this is so important to me. It always is, at any rate, perhaps because I’m a Leo and was born on such a historic date. Everywhere I’ve ever lived (except here in Taos), I’ve known scads of Leos, and there always was a [...]

Cherishing the Now

an eye

Sutures in blue

“I look like Frankenstein,” she said, and she was close. The result of her eyelid surgery to remove a small basal cell carcinoma looked pretty gruesome to me the next day when I removed the bandage. She bruises easily, I know, but the swelling and the technicolor blotches set me back. I thought but didn’t [...]



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