
Thirty-Eight Years

Taos snow scene

Yesterday just out the door

We were married in front of our wonderful friends in Chestertown, Maryland on January 16, 1981. There’s a photo of everyone taken on the courthouse steps I’ll no doubt find when we move, which can’t come soon enough, either. We only had to walk about a block and a half from our apartment in the [...]

Christmas Crash

Xmas in Taos

A fine Xmas in Taos, New Mexico, 2018: I am a very lucky man.

Originally published 16 years ago on a now-extinct blog, I remembered this today and read it out loud to my wife, who’s been weepy all morning as a result. It’s a sad story, in other words, a trip back in time to when I was barely 12 years old in darkest West Texas and really, [...]


black and white sunset view

Looking east, the sun behind me

Sometimes at sunset on a cloudy day, the sun sinks below the level of the overcast in clear air to the west. For about fifteen minutes everything’s on fire and explodes. The afternoon that pulled the hammer back is gone. The other day I thought I sensed them. They or it or what that wants [...]

Kill the Holidays

old adobe scene in Taos

Live the dream, they said. We’ll take up Christmas at another time!

I don’t remember exactly when my mother announced she wasn’t “doing” Christmas or Thanksgiving any more. Probably around the time I went off to my first year of college up in Dallas after we’d all moved to Houston. I do recall her saying that nobody cared. That wasn’t true, because we loved to eat, and [...]

One for the Money

adobe compound

Just do it

This year my birthday adds up to one. (How appropriate, especially if you know the lyrics.*) It was a stressful birthday eve but I am straightened out. Be that as it may, my original plan for today was to drive north to Costilla, Amalia, and the Valle Vidal in my snorting V-8 Dodge. But on [...]



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