New Mexico

East of Cimarron

buffalo beside the road

Female, I think, so only 1,000 lbs & runs at 40 mph

It was a very moving birthday trip for me, as good and as hard as it gets. Not only for the things we saw and where we went, but for the things that broke inside—I mean that in a good way, now, so don’t get crazy on me! Just tremendous, all in all. My body [...]

Llano Quemado Report

old Taos backyard

Visible portion of building is actually dead landlord’s apartment

That’s a little piece of the back yard. This is the semi-civilized area, the rest being sagebrush, chamisa, and cactus, but you still have to watch out for the goddamn ants. Man, if ants were money, I’d be rich, assuming I could wrangle them. The only way to sit at that table is with your [...]

Pilar, New Mexico

old stone building in Pilar

Turn-around spot on first dirt road

“I‘d like to turn around and drive up a couple of those roads we just passed. There’s a house for sale on one of them. Is that okay with you?” “Of course! It would be stupid not to look, as long as we’re here.” [Taking first of two dirt roads…] “Look, there’s a sign! But [...]

After Dinner

view from Llano Quemado

iPhone 6s+ shot again. I love this thing.

Cold, damp, no wind. Quiet except for a few cows bawling in the valley. The scrunch of walking on wet sand. Smells of sagebrush and wet dirt. Snowed off and on today, sometimes a lot. Yesterday, too. For several days, actually. In the middle of that, we saw a hummingbird, so time to put the [...]

Irrational Joy

desert flower

What a world

Some days you just can’t and that’s all right. I wasn’t going to walk because of all the wet snow since Friday, but there was such a strange, positive energy in the air, I had to get out and move my body. I drove out to Taos Valley Overlook and took a different trail I [...]



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