New Mexico

Seven Thousand Feet in May

cat by wood stove


Building fires is still a thing here. Callie the Wonder Cat is no dummy, although she’ll sit there sometimes when the Ashley’s cold. Cargo cult cat voodoo: if I lie here, heat will come. Oh that Ashley. I used to read the original Whole Earth Catalog when I was plotting my escape to northwest Arkansas. [...]

Sky Time

New Mexico sky

Sixty seconds walk from here the Rio Pueblo gorge will blow your mind

When our 2007 Pontiac Vibe was new, it had a tinted windshield—one without the shaded band across the top, what I call “clear”—but that was quickly cracked by stones thrown off the tires of cattle trucks in eastern Colorado. When I went to Santa Fe to have it replaced, the shop installed a shaded one [...]

Come a Ki Yi Yippee Yippee Yay

old West

I’m moving in here

Now see, back then they didn’t need to call them man caves. (I hate that term, even though I’ve turned everywhere I’ve ever lived into exactly that.) No, they just had all kinds of manly things and had to put them somewhere. Dozens of rifles behind that door, for example, just in case, I guess. [...]


As I eased the car up to get closer, she did an about-face and started walking the other way!

You’ve probably never been to a place like Rayado. Kit Carson had a house out here once, or rather someone important (I forget who) gave him the place on the old Santa Fe Trail at the edge of the plains in the hope that his mere presence might discourage Comanche raiders. I don’t know about [...]


Taos scene

Windy, about 70 degrees F, 16% humidity

Nothing of consequence to post just now. But sitting outside looking at this scene reminded me of how it felt to be on the edge of the plains in Rayado a couple of weeks ago. It’s all about the air, and light…



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