New Mexico

That Great Big New Mexico Sky

clouds over the Rio Grande Gorge at Taos Valley Overlook

Approximately my 3,000th shot from this spot, but they’re always different

This isn’t even the half of it. Holy god. Those clouds are moving, you know. And I wouldn’t have seen it if I hadn’t gotten out of the house today to walk again at Taos Valley Overlook. It’s the only place I ever seem to go, but I’m not bored yet. Marking my progress on [...]

Special Weather Statement

Taos wood pile

Ten steps outside the front door (whew)

As such things go, this one didn’t seem too bad, except for the “s” word. We’ve been cruising along at ten to twenty degrees above normal for several weeks, anyway, so something had to give. The most important part of the forecast was, of course, that “significant snowfall is possible across the peaks above twelve [...]

Extraordinary Day

Llano Quemado, south side of Taos, New Mexico

Windy, low 70s, warm sun, a touch of humidity

You’re going to get tired of these, so I’ll just say it was another one of those days. Absolutely stunning weather (if windy), high energy, rising power. On the human side, free-form adaptation. Things sliding into place. I could use more of whatever this is. I don’t know how to capture it in a photograph. [...]

Neighborhood God

mountains south of Taos, NM

Higher Picuris is actually the one in back, just left of the dark peak in the center

I was driving down the road and had to stop. Right in front of the worst beat-up trailer you’ve ever seen, in fact. The latilla fencing is reinforced with rusting sheets of corrugated metal. There’s nothing in the yard but rocks, an old car seat, and busted children’s toys. But when they open their front [...]


Visitor Center in Cimarron, NM

For some reason this photo makes me want a cinnamon roll

I love this picture. Notice the New Mexico state colors. I’m also thinking that it’s quite a deal for a town of fewer than a thousand souls to even have a visitor center. And you see how bright it looks? How strong the sun must be? Well, it was, but by 11:00 a.m. Sunday morning, [...]



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