
Vulture Bait Again

scene at Taos Valley Overlook

This photo taken June 24, 2013 (wasn’t carrying my camera today)

It was after Labor Day and all the Texans had gone home. When I arrived at the parking lot, I was all alone. There was no one on the trail. As hot as it was (90 °F), at least the air was dry, and I even had a breeze. Low humidity plus moving air means [...]

Monsoon Season

rain clouds over Taos Valley

Taos Valley Overlook (of course) on a recent evening

No, we’re not exactly underwater here, although Albuquerque got hit with a monster storm the other day. But there hasn’t been a summer like this for a few years. The way it works (when it does work) in the desert southwest is, humid air sweeps up from Mexico and we have thunderstorms in the afternoon [...]

More Bighorns

bighorn ewes at Taos Valley Overlook

Comin’ through!

There’s the second one (in front)! I’m still reeling from the experience I had Monday, when I was able to sit down and be a part of this scene. There’s so much that’s right about this, I hardly know where to start. First, that it happened at all. Second, that it happened to me: a [...]

Dances with Bighorns

Bighorn ewe at Taos Valley Overlook

How old is the feeling, how old?

At the turnaround point of a walk in the terrible high desert, with the sun in my face and the air blowing cool in a great soaring sky, I lifted my water bottle to take a drink. It had already been an astonishing day. My eyes made a casual sweep of the small valley beyond [...]

More Arroyo Lust [Revised]

Taos Valley Overlook

You can see the Pedernal up there. It’s 70 miles away in a straight line!

The only place I seem to go these days is Taos Valley Overlook. I can’t help it. Just look at this: I can be here in 10 minutes from where we live. There’s nobody else around. I can do whatever I want. Wipe my ass. Pee in the sage. Walk off and die. And check [...]



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