For behold, the wealth of Nature lying at your—er, my—feet. I took this last Wednesday at Taos Valley Overlook on a fairly muddy walk. Haven’t been out since. In the next 48 hours, we should get another dose of snow and single-digit lows. That may freeze the ground good and hard so I can hike [...]
You people on antidepressants don’t know what you’re missing. How are you ever going to know who stole your seeds? Personally, I’d rather be just fine for thirty days and then go catatonic in the morning. A certain constellation under a half moon, an overlay of weaknesses that line up with the map. Before I [...]
Heck, wouldn’t you? I mean, look at that thing. Taos Mountain is to the left and under the clouds. Everything you’re looking at is Pueblo land, by the way. No bikers, jerky vendors, or Confederate flags. No realtors, ski bums, or trust-funders playing hippies. No temples, preachers, or bleeding saints. No poetry readings, fanny packs, [...]
Technically speaking, not much of a photo—zoomed too much, tons of noise—but as impressionistic Saturday afternoon bird shots go, I like it. This is what wet mountains feel like. And for all my bitching about what’s after all a normal life in these parts, I’d rather look out on something like this than any sort [...]
As I drove out to the trailhead for my four-mile hike this morning, I was feeling kind of old. Maybe it was the truck’s fault. When I got there, I saw three other vehicles and nobody around. The driver’s side door squeaked loudly when I opened it. Slamming it shut made it go BAM wocka-wocka [...]