The Pedernal (Cerro Pedernal, elevation 9,866 ft) is the narrow, flat-topped mesa in the middle of the far distance. From where I stood in bitter cold to take this photo on February 23rd to the peak is 50 miles. Just imagine, no cities or suburbs between that peak and me. A boyhood dream come true, [...]
It’s been my impression that most people think dreams are a hot mess. My own experience is different. The unconscious speaks in symbols, but speak it does, especially if you’re dealing with an existential question. Symbols aren’t easy to handle, since what they denote isn’t necessarily as relevant as the roles they play, and you [...]
The immaculate fall of the splitting maul. The ineffable release. The way the kindling flies apart, one half landing in the mud, the other off in drifted snow… My wood guy just ran out of wood. They all do, it’s endemic. Now I’ll have to call up half a dozen strangers in hopes of keeping [...]
A large, two-story farmhouse close to the road like our old home in Maryland. Flat terrain, hedgerows and cornfields. I’m in my bathrobe looking out the window: across the highway, a tornado funnel just reaching the ground and coming my way! Very large, swirling, leaves and dirt already flying as it comes. There are other [...]
This morning after visiting the bathroom, my wife crawled back into bed around 5:30 a.m., pulled the covers up to her chin, and said, “This is the end.” (Driving by those houses yesterday had something to do with this, the way it always does.) I put my arm around her, held her close, and felt [...]