
Hummingbird of Doom

strange look from hummingbird

NSA’s got nothin’ on the wrath of Bird

“You must have done something, otherwise it wouldn’t be looking at us like that!” She was right, of course, but so what? Now the Great Avenger of Righteous Karma had us in his sights. You can’t hide from these things, they’re like organic drones from Hell. Poke your eyes out, sew your lips shut, chase [...]

Tragic Bighorn Teleport

bighorn sheep in the wall

Oh the horror

Accident prevention is up to you! This graphic photo shows what can happen when placing wild animals in the transporter without proper restraint. In this case, leaping spontaneously out of the beam also affected the coordinates, resulting in the fatal rematerialization you see here. – Ship’s Safety Officer »Buy This Photo!«

Old Photo Weirdness

weird old photo

Yes, I already thought of coneheads

Who are these people? I found this in the vast horde of uncataloged photos I rescued from my late Aunt Mary’s house in Maine. They look like long-ago relatives of mine—there must be some shared DNA—but I have no idea. Maybe my upstate New York kin? And look at that guy’s hands!—are those farmer hands [...]

Prehistoric Rat Skull

rat skull

Black volcanic rock from Wild Horse Mesa in southern CO

So I’m walking up this arroyo, maybe 12 feet deep, killing time while I wait in vain for those itty-bitty cactus flowers to open, glancing down at my feet for anything cool that might have washed down from the hills—once upon a time—looking up and down the sides where the water cut through, scanning for [...]

Arroyo Lust [Revised]

arroyo south of Taos

Time to take a little stroll?

When I was a kid, places like this held amazing powers of attraction for me. They still do. The camera doesn’t do it justice, though. This arroyo is almost 20 feet deep, and I had to be careful about not falling in when I took the shot. Consider that the sagebrush is about two to [...]



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