Garden of Eden

Has to Be a Lady

female Canada goose

Location: Rio Grande del Norte National Monument a few miles north of Pilar

There isn’t any doubt. Her mate stayed close by on guard duty while she ate. We watched her grazing with her head submerged off and on for maybe fifteen minutes and then drove off to the end of the paved road where we cross the river and turn around. On the way back, the two [...]

Hawk Medicine Telephoto

red-tailed hawk over snowy hills

It’s not spring yet

There it is, a red-tailed hawk. I didn’t see it when I took the telephoto shot, which makes this even better. For those who may not know, sightings of particular animals (and the nature of these encounters) often have great significance in Native American and other aboriginal cultures. (Google away, there are many books and [...]

And the Sun Did Shine

looking west from Llano Quemado

The view is probably the best thing about this neighborhood

A few hours before I took this shot, we headed south to Pilar to look for ducks along the Rio Grande. As soon as we had a clear view out to the west, I saw a wall of rain and snow marching across the vastness. In the way it often does around here, one half [...]

A Knock on the Door

New Mexico sunset

Claim it, chilluns

“I come from the mountain,” he said, and growled. This was no game, however, but serious shaman voodoo meant to jolt me. I knew the mountain, too. “Do you know how many people I’ve taken out there?” he asked. “Just you,” he said.”You’re the only one.” We talked a long time. The rest of this [...]

Another View of the Rio Grande

More iPhone 6s Plus video. Check the settings and you can watch it at 1080p. Here’s another river video. This one shows you what it looks like turning downstream. I shot this at the end of October on a beautiful warm day. The water is so clear!



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