Garden of Eden

Juan del Llano and the Holy Dirt

old Taos adobe

Biodegradable mansion on the hill

Juan del Llano couldn’t breathe. On this sunny late October day, the air inside the old adobe was just too funky. Meanwhile, at the other end of the room from where he sat to write, his wife was balancing her checkbook, a task he gave up twenty years ago after websites were invented because the [...]

Seeing to the Bottom

mountain meadow with creek

I wonder if there are frogs as well. Might be too cold for them!

Now this was quite a treat. There I was at over nine thousand feet in the freaking wilderness, somewhere between Tres Piedras and the Brazos Cliffs, walking toward a marsh. Well, a creek, but spread out wide and marshy. An actual wetland shimmering in the sun. No birds or elk, though, surprising only if we [...]

Glory Days

NM wildflowers

Gratefully we sneeze

Look around you, it’s happening right now. Everything in this image is a gift, the asters and the chamisa and whatever the hell the others are. The mountains and the sky. Our trip to Alamosa yesterday, my god. The vistas and the weather. We drove through actual rain. On the way back early in the [...]

Big Wide Thing

Taos VAlley Overlook scene

A couple of hours out here, only saw one young dude on a bike

The show is in the sky when there are clouds. Today was one of those days when I took a ton of photos, shaking my head at the impact of it all. The colors and the freaking vistas. The clouds (my god), the wind, a perfect temperature near seventy degrees, the sun at seven thousand [...]

Cloud Song

cloud formation

August 2, 1:27 in the afternoon »Buy This Photo!«

Everybody take a nice deep breath now. The one my wife always tells me to take and I tell her I can’t will do. There needs to be a demarcation. We are entering new territory, one with much more room. »Buy This Photo!«



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