
Beautiful Snow

snowy Taos scene

You know, I’ve never been to Hawaii

The snow is beautiful, but for some reason this year I don’t seem to care. Not yet, anyway, and certainly not this Monday morning. Maybe fourteen years of digging out, hacking at icy windshields, and slopping through the mud and slush have done their job. Here in Taos, this attitude will get you zero sympathy [...]

Taos Mountain in the snow and clouds

I waited for the pink flash but it didn’t happen. Do you know what that is?

This is just ridiculous. All I have to do is walk about a hundred yards, find a clear shot through the scrubby trees for my trusty Pentax with the telephoto lens, and there you go. I probably have three thousand photos like this, one of the benefits of living at the end of a muddy [...]

An Ocean for New Mexico

Reid State Park, Maine

Stood there half an hour, hardly comprehending

Gaze on this, ye dry ones, and despair! There’s plenty of water on the planet, just not in the Rio Grande or falling from the skies upon the land I love. What you see here is the Atlantic Ocean just off Reid State Park near Georgetown, Maine. I had to get away from crushing family [...]

Hiking in the Snow

Hiking in the Snow post image

About 10 °F when I took this shot. Still a mile and a half back to the trailhead.

Okay, it’s damned cold, but I have to exercise. How hard can it be? As it turns out, not very. The hardest part is deciding to go in the first place. This is Taos Valley Overlook, a BLM (Bureau of Land Management) property encompassing 2,581 acres. Right there is something to blow the mind. (Our [...]

Island Light with Ducks

retreating mallards on the Rio Grande

Just outside of Orilla Verde (BLM), a hop and a skip from beautiful downtown Pilar

Mallards on the Rio Grande… What many wouldn’t realize is that this scene is down inside a canyon. Just a short way from here, the cliffs are 800 feet high! That means it’s sheltered from the wind and warmer just from being lower. The rocks hold and give off a little heat, the river adds [...]



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