There’s a zillion of ’em now. I just spotted five at once on three different hummingbird feeders. No idea why this year of all years the air is full of yellow-orange birds. [Hit the links below ↓ too.] Metaphysical compensation perhaps.
All I was doing was taking a quick shot of why I was about to go out and feed the birds, and then this happened. Look carefully! Basically what I did today was try to keep the birds fed, can you imagine? And watch the news—I found a couple sites where I can stream MSNBC [...]

This is a still taken from a video. There are about 1,000 more of these birds out of sight in a tree.
Just a little something to break the usual rush of events. These are remarkable birds. They usually descend onto feeding platforms in huge flocks, making cries that sound very much like seagulls.
It snowed two days ago, then melted. Yesterday it mostly rained and blew. This morning it’s been snowing heavily since dawn. Tomorrow it will snow all day and accumulate several inches, then down to 20°F in the wee hours of Sunday morning. Then, and only then, will we slowly climb back to the seventies we’d [...]
There isn’t any doubt. Her mate stayed close by on guard duty while she ate. We watched her grazing with her head submerged off and on for maybe fifteen minutes and then drove off to the end of the paved road where we cross the river and turn around. On the way back, the two [...]