Pardon the lazy retro-posting last night, since deleted. But look at what yours truly was able to produce once upon a time using a flexible rubber mold made from an actual cat skull, sculpting wax, and melting my own bronze! Those were the days, friends and neighbors (early to mid-’90s). I’d do this again if [...]
This was going to be a post about psycho-emotional rigidity and being blind to what’s just underneath our noses, but the requisite gumption has fled, I think. At least you get to look at this magnificent weirdness produced a number of years ago by yours truly at the Maryland Institute in Baltimore, where I was [...]
Behold REAL TAOS #3, now available as art prints, framed photos, posters, cards, and more at my Redbubble store. This latest addition is part of a special collection I’m building. The images won’t all be satirical or gruesome, of course, although I have some real beauties coming up. For that matter, this one here is [...]

Birdbath on the right, chimenea on the left »Buy This Photo!«
Now see, it wouldn’t have worked without a lot of snow. How else would I have stood them on their ends? This scene from last week shows what I built with the giant icicles I broke off the canales (roof drains)—one over seven feet long—to let the meltwater run off faster. A little less of [...]
I took this telephoto shot of Taos Mountain at around 3:00 p.m. Wednesday afternoon using my Pentax K-x with 55-300mm lens on the automatic setting. As I am a lazy ignoramus on the subject, it’s never occurred to me to use a filter, which may be one reason the long shots tend to end up [...]