
Animal Madness

Callie the Wonder Cat in Taos, New Mexico

Can’t wait for someone to ask me about the toothbrush

“What’s she doing up there?” That’s 11 and a half pounds of Callie the Wonder Cat, too. She was up in the highest cubby of the rustic [cough] bathroom sink shelving just as fine as you please. Up where it’s so dusty and scary, we never put anything there. Or had we? A forgotten extension [...]

Fat Cat

fat cat in a Taos windowsill

She’d look lots different all wetted down, so there’s that.

Maybe I should hit her up for a loan. If ever a cat needed a fast ride on a loud motorcycle, I’m looking at it right now. Meanwhile, I’m still bored. A box elder bug just committed suicide by flying into cold dishwater in the sink, though, so things are looking up. »Buy This Photo!«



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