
Big Wild Space

Taos Valley Overlook scene

Gorge and green high desert with Tres Orejas volcano

The new glasses were amazing. Sharp and clear with unscratched polarized clip-ons. I felt like I could see forever. Maybe I could. Five years with the old pair and the old prescription. The glasses cost five hundred twenty-five dollars back then, too. The new ones were from across the ocean somewhere and cost seventy-five. Older [...]

If Your Sky Does This, You Win

spring sky over Tao Valley Overlook

A day at the office at the top of the world

Oh, what a day. Windy and wild! You could see and feel the cold air and moisture blowing down from Colorado. A hundred miles away in the direction you’re looking (WNW), the forecast was for one to two feet of wet snow. I love living at seven thousand feet. There’s something so healthy about it. [...]

Magpie Train

sunset in Taos, NM

Just a few now but they keep on pouring in

That’s what they do every evening, the magpies of Llano Quemado, arrive in long lines at the cottonwood tree staging areas before flying up to Miranda Canyon to roost. At least that’s what they do in the summer. It’s February now, so maybe they just stay in the cottonwood trees here all night. (Those aren’t [...]

I Need a Car

Pontiac Vibe in Taos, NM

License plate number altered, of course, hah!

This is just silly. Off she goes in the family car on a normal busy day for her, while I sit here “stuck.” I have my ancient truck, an ’87 Ford F-150, for strictly local stuff like driving to the trailhead, running errands, and so forth, but what if I want to take a little [...]

Won’t Back Down

hilltop road near Taos, New Mexico


Almost tried to buy a house that wasn’t right. See what forgetting who you are can do? When we moved from Maryland almost 15 years ago, I sold or gave away most of my tools. And I had tools for everything. If you needed something fixed or built, I probably could have done it. There [...]



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