You know I’m not a kid anymore but here I am still learning to drive this thing. A better metaphor might be discovering the clutch in the recesses of my brain. You have to make a conscious decision to bug out with a stick shift and need to know which gear you’re in at any given moment. My father taught me how to drive in his ’58 Volkswagen with four-on-the-floor. In driver’s ed at Jefferson Junior High we had a brand new dead stock six cylinder white Chevy sedan with a three-speed column shift. That thing was so huge and smooth. A ’59 Chevy, man, with bat wings.
Experimental Days

Behold the mighty Arc of Mystery
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Good luck, Bro.
I’ll be handing in my keys at some point. I’m thinking about assisted living.
This has nothing to do with driving… 🙂
How about this title Never Give Up
or Keep Up Keeping up.
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