they was bighorn sheep cross the Rio Pueblo gorge
hoppin down the rocks
hangin from the trees
but the house itself need a awful lotta work
itty bitty rooms
feelins I don’ need
Lovin me the quiet and the big blue sky
baby need a home
give a man a bone
happy to be livin an we don’ ask why
walkin down the road
floatin onna breeze

Space is grace but not the place
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sounds like a james taylor song. You may have an undiscovered talent!
It’s discovered (technically). I’ve written songs for years. I’ve performed solo, briefly had a band (the Zoo Pilots), rocked out a few years ago as rhythm guitarist with Los Changos Del Mar, “New Mexico’s only extraterrestrial, psycho-surf-punk, spy-billy, harem conjunto.” Here’s a link to a couple of old live tracks and a few demos. Did I say old? I did! https://soundcloud.com/taosjohn
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