Forging ahead here, doing what must be done! Yes, I took that picture about two hours ago. Even though this is April 1 and no one can be trusted, I swear that’s the real deal, deposited overnight. It can start being spring whenever it wants to, as far as I’m concerned, but no one ever listens to me. Fortunately, almost all the white stuff you see here will be long gone by late this afternoon, and the forecast calls for almost seventy degrees on Monday. Hah!
Pretty But Old

Compensatory beauty, always appreciated!
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“Pretty but Old” that pretty well describes all of us.
Yep, I’ve been trying to wear flip flops without a jacket for a week to pretend it is spring. It’s not working! One minute it’s sunny then it goes into full extremes. We’ve had flooding, tornados, and high winds. Not working out for my gardening plans. Come on spring. The birds are even going crazy. Want to say I’ve been loving your birdie pictures.
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