What a trip we had today, and this is part of it—ninety miles to Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge in southern Colorado to see the cranes. Almost all of these are Canada geese, but please look closely. Just the other side of the road from here (turn 180°), there were sandhill cranes to the horizon! We were in a frenzy of appreciation. Sandwiches and chocolate milk inside the car. Sixty degrees, no wind. Windows down. Honking, squawking, quacking, croaking birds outside. Glorious clean air. I got out and walked around, shooting pictures like a madman.
Peak Life

Makes no difference who you are
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Tags: Canada geese, Monte Vista NWR, sandhill cranes, southern CO
John Hamilton Farr lives at 7,000 feet in Ranchos de Taos, New Mexico, U.S.A. As New York Times best-selling author James C. Moore tells it, John is “a man attuned to the world who sees it differently than you and I and writes about it with a language and a vision of life that is impossible to ignore.” This JHFARR.COM site is the master writing archive. To email John, please see CONTACT INFO on About page. For a complete list of all John’s writing, photography, NFTs, and social media links, please visit JHFARR.ART
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“Honking, squawking, quacking, croaking…”
you were taking all those pictures but you didn’t record any of that?? (i could do an entire album based on those sounds… 😉 )
I hadn’t thought about the sounds we’d hear. Quite the deal, though, quite the deal.
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