The struggle is over, a new world’s been born. For some reason, spring is more important in my life than I remember from the past. At any rate, what you’re looking at is a view from the acequia to a neighbor’s house and across the valley of the Rio Grande del Rancho toward Taos and the mountains beyond. What an amazingly fine day today. Cool, breezy, deep.
Spring at Seven Thousand Feet

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Love the bits and daubs of various shades of green. Are there still en plein air painters coming to the area as there were in the 1920’s?
Well, there must be a few. But not in the way of the historical period you reference, with word-of-mouth to others about a great place that’s cheap to live where you can just live and paint. 🙂 Those days are long gone. There’s still magic in the surroundings, but it’s harder to access for all the hype.
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