Sure, but then you knew that. This is a telephoto view looking west toward the Sangre de Cristos from Taos Valley Overlook about six miles south of Taos. The town itself lies beyond and below the sagebrush mesas in the foreground. That huge hulking thing is mostly Taos Mountain and belongs to Taos Pueblo. The snowy peak in the distance is Old Mike, the moronically renamed former San Miguel. “Old Mike,” my ass. Anyway, it’s over thirteen thousand feet high, which ought to give one pause. You can hike up there, in fact. Oops, I missed another year. (Whew.) Might as well wait until I’m old enough to be some kind of hero news thing, right?
Scenes like this just mess me up. I still feel a deep longing for the intimate fertile green landscapes of my past, but this methamphetamine lunacy is so addictive. I may never return to those perfumed fields of yesteryear, wherever the hell they are.
Beautiful, as always. Had a fabulous trip. However, reeling from home prices sticker shock! In one year, things have skyrocketed! Like you, I don’t want to live in town. I need peace, quiet and a view.
South of town, where the river runs through, way before Espanola (which has grown to unrecognizable!) is a beautiful, sparesly habitated area. Do you know anything about that area? Just trying to avoid the tourists…
Thanks for the beautiful picture to start my day!
Thanks, Candace!
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