A view most of my readers have seen before, but just a few days old. You’re looking roughly west-northwest from the trail I took at Taos Valley Overlook in the preceding post, as if you were standing in the same place but turned 180° around. This is a telephoto shot, of course, with the top of the Rio Grande gorge in the foreground. Oh, and that’s another volcano to the right, just a little one. Almost every peak or hill you see out there originated with an eruption or a lava flow. Deadly, loud, inexorable. Alien and true, natural all the way.
As I’ve pointed out before, the tectonic plates are pulling apart right here in front of us. This is the valley of the Rio Grande Rift. Most of what you see is “trending north” with half of Colorado just 10 minutes from our house!
[HT to @voidmster for the title of this post: I tweeted a similar photo, and that was his reply. – JHF]
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